
Introduction 简介

Hi, I’m zZhiw

Welcome! Per the web address, you’ll know that this is Zheng Zhi-Wei’s site, that’s me.
This is a personal site aimed at nothing in particular. Sometimes I go on story writing binges and others I babble on about tech or what new computer “thing” I’m learning or interested in. Overall, I use the site to keep track of what’s interesting me at the moment.
I am, by most accounts, a regular married guy with three kids. And now, the bulk of my mind and time are swallowed up by my family.

Contact Me

eMail: Hi@ZhengZhiWei.net here is my eMail address if you need to send some verbiage.
Messaging: I also use Telegram for secure chat. Or if you’re so inclined, you may use the below form too.

关于 zZhiw

  1. 2009 年毕业于某科技大学,计算机科学与技术专业学士学位。
  2. 毕业后就职于某科学院下属单位,从事安防技术工作两年。
  3. 现从事销售工作,销售某合资品牌的太阳能产品,销售自家产的民用燃煤锅炉
  4. 三个孩子,老大叫帅帅,老二叫堂堂,老三叫末末。

关于 zZhiw’s notes

虽然工作与专业相去甚远,但 zZhiw 仍死不悔改,痴迷于互联网技术。这便是命里的劫数,随缘吧。这里有,但不限于:

  1. Linux 命令行
  2. Web 前端
  3. 经验杂谈
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